Shop Bot Pro FAQs

Will Shop Bot Pro work with my site or ecommerce system?

Yes. Shop Bot Pro works with any website and any ecommerce platform.

Shop Bot Pro's AI site tools are installed as a simple JS script tags and can be used with custom site designs, WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, Wix, etc. If you don't know how to install a third party JavaScript reference file on your site, simply contact support and we will walk you through it or we can install it for you.

Why is Shop Bot Pro better than my current search?

Simply stated, Shop Bot Pro is smarter than your current search and understands the actual intent behind your customer's query.

Shop Bot Pro seamlessly integrates the simplicity of keyword-based searches with the power of AI-driven semantic search. 

With Shop Bot Pro, users receive highly relevant results, even if they misspell their search or submit ambiguous or incomplete search queries. 

Shop Bot Pro works for both websites and online stores, delivering hyper-precise search outcomes and adeptly responding to inquiries about your site and business through our virtual site assistant tool. 

All Shop Bot Pro tools operate indepedently so you can install only the specific tools or tools that best match your content requirements. 

Our most popular tool is the Shop Bot Pro Live Search add-on which transforms your existing keyword search bar into a super-charged, AI-intelligent semantic search system without affecting your current search system and with NO custom programming. 

Embrace the future of search technology and elevate your site's user experience by installing Shop Bot Pro today.

Does Shop Bot Pro replace my current search?

Shop Bot Pro's AI-powered search tools are primarily used as an enhancement to existing site and online store search forms.

Our most popular AI tool, the Live Search Add-On, adds a real-time drop-down list of the most relevant results to your existing search form as the user types but it does not affect your current search results page.

However, we also have our Embedded Search solution which can be used either as an add-on to an existing search results page, a stand-alone search system for specific content such as help documents, or the Embedded Search tool can be employed as site's primary search solution (i.e. replace your current search).

Most users install the individual Shop Bot Pro tools as enhancement(s) to their current search system but, if required, you can use Shop Bot Pro as your entire site search solution as well.

Do I have to use all the AI tools on my site?

Nope. Every Shop Bot Pro tool is optional. 

All of the Shop Bot Pro AI site tools operate independently, and you are not required to use any specific tool. You can install whichever tool or tools that best suit your specific search and content requirements. (Our most popular stand-alone AI tool is the Live Search Add-On.) In addition to the currently available AI tools, we will also be adding more ecommerce-specific tools in the coming months and your subscription includes access to those new tools as well!

What is a Shop Bot Pro session ?

A session is when a site visitor directly interacts with one or more of the Shop Bot Pro AI tools that are installed on your site.

The unique instance (session) covers all interactions with that specific customer (site visitor) for their duration of the visit including all content searches / recommendations, questions and answers, chat dialogs and virtual assistant conversations.

Unlike many other AI site content tools, which charge per token, per query and/or per API call,  Shop Bot Pro pricing is based on the number of unique visitors that use the Shop Bot Tools on your site during the billing period. (Along with the total number of URL content resources that are added to your accont which you can search with the AI tools.)

With our simple and transparent pricing, you don't need to worry if specific customers might engage your site assistant excessively nor do you need to track the amount of data that is going back and forth from the AI engine. (You can still track all usage of your tools with your Shop Bot Pro control panel to give insights on ROI, conversions and usage patterns to fine-tune your generated results).

Every site visitor does NOT count as a session. A session is only counted against your quota if the site visitor interacts with the Shop Bot tool in some method.

Simply opening the Shop Bot Pro Chat Window or viewing a search page does not count as a instance (unique session). If you have an existing keyword search on your site that loads it's own results page, searches using that method do not count against your quota unless you have activated the Shop Bot Live Search  feature on your existing keyword search field (form) and recommended results are displayed while the user is typing their traditional keyword search query.  The live search add-on is included with all plans but not active on the site unless you specifically integrate that feature into your current keyword search function (form). (Note: Direct API Calls for content management do not count against your monthly quota. Only customer interactions are considered a valid session).

Can I use Shop Bot Pro with multiple websites?

Yes, there is no set limit on the number of sites that you can use with your Shop Bot Pro account.  

You are only limited to the number of sessions in your plan but those sessions can be used on multiple installations (websites and/or online stores). (You are also limited by the total number of alllowed (indexed) content URLs but it is very unlikely that users will reach their URL limit even when using Shop Bot Pro on multiple sites.)

Note regarding segmenting search content: If you are using Shop Bot Pro on multiple sites, you simply create different search profiles in your control panel for each site and then each individual site will only search and return the data (indexed URL's content) that is assigned to that specific profile. You are assigned a unique API key for each site (search profile) that you create in the Shop Bot Pro control panel.

What if I go over my monthly session quota?

We will send you an alert when you are within 15% of your monthly quota and again at 5%. 

Monthly Plans: If you are on a monthly Shop Bot Pro plan, you can choose to upgrade your account to the next usage level (plan type) in which case your billing date will be adjusted to the date you make that change.  (Any leftover session credits will be applied to your new plan.) You can upgrade or downgrade your account level anytime based on your site traffic requirements. However, please note that every time you change your billing plan,  your current plan will be canceled and the new plan will be billed at that time.

Once you reach your session quote, you have a 7 day grace period before you will be required to upgrade your plan as long as your usage remains withing 10% over your quota. After 10% or 7 days (whichever comes first), your account will be throttled and you will need to upgrade to the next level for that pay period for full usage. If an account is throttled, your customers may see a message that their request could not be completed. However, they will never see any message related to your account or billing status.

Annual plans: If you are on an annual Shop Bot Pro plan, you will be provided a grace period for up to 30 days as long as the overage remains in the next higher plan level.

Example: If you are on an annual Small Business Plan and you exceed your plan quota, we will automatically apply the usage quotes for the next plan level (Basic eCommerce) for the remainer of the monthly quota period. At the beginning of the next month's quota, we will automatically revert your levels back to your paid plan.  Important: if you exceed your enrolled plan quota two consecutive monthly periods in a row, you will need to upgrade your plan to the next billing level. In that situation, you would simply need to pay the difference between your current plan and the next higher usage plan.

Does Shop Bot Pro return information about my competitors or answers to general questions like ChatGPT?

No, Shop Bot Pro is restricted to only return results based on the content (URLS) that you provide to it.

The AI powered search only looks at the your specific content that is crawled Shop Bot Pro data indexer.

Although Shop Bot Pro uses the same AI language models as ChatGPT to analyze and generate intelligent responses , it cannot and will not return data outside of it's data parameters (i.e, the content that you provide to it.)

For instance, if Shop Bot Pro crawls all your site pages and products and you ask it "What is Microsoft? ... it will not return information about Microsoft, the company, from an external source nor will it return links or references to external sites that are related to Microsoft. Shop Bot Pro will also not return links to external sites that sell Microsoft products or services. 

Shop Bot Pro is restricted to the content that you provide to it during the ingestion (indexing) process and therefore, if you ask Shop Bot Pro a question about another company, person, product or service,  Shop Bot Pro will only return information about that query as it relates to your specific content.

Therefore for the "Microsoft" example, if you sell any products or offer any services that are even remotely related to Microsoft, it will list those results first. However, if you have nothing on your site that is related to Microsoft, it will instead return results that are most relavent such to the meaning of your question. (i.e., Instead of "What is Microsoft?", the meaning of the query would be interpreted as "What is your company?" if you had no data in your content that is specifically related to Microsoft.).

The most amazing thing about AI optimized content searches is that it correlates even the most random association with one element to another. 

For example, if you are selling a specific type of products such as "Table Clothes", it will understand that is related to content associated with Dinner, Eating, Entertaining, Holidays, etc. and return the most relevant matches for a search. Even if you sell nothing "holiday" related and no other housewares, a search such as  "My In-laws are coming this winter. What should I buy to make the house more festive?" would return "Table Clothes" as a top result unless you sell other items that are much more relevant to that search such as holiday themed candles, cookie cutters, wreaths, ornaments etc.

Unlike traditional keyword or phrase based searches, even if the question is misspelled or asked incorrectly, Shop Bot Pro will return relevant results. This INTELLIGENT RELEVANCY makes it much easier for your customer to locate the product or service they are most interested in on your site and therefore increase the conversion rate of site visitors to purchasers.

Which Shop Bot Pro tools are included with my plan?

All the Shop Bot Pro AI Tools are included with every plan. 

You can use any tool that best suits your specific content requirements. 

Some sites may want to implement the Live Search feature to enhance their existing keyword search form while others may want to increase the accuracy of their search results by including embedded AI optimized results along side their existing search results. 

You can add and remove any tool at any time on your sites and your pricing does not change.

Does Shop Bot Pro share my content with other providers or sites?

No, any content URLs you add to be included in your site search results and any data collected during live chat - Q & A (site assistant data) is exclusive to your specific data store on the Shop Bot Pro servers.

The data that is analyzed by AI to index your content is not used to train other sites.

Note: All data that Shop Bot Pro uses for it's searches and AI relevancy results is already publicly available since our crawler bot only indexes URLS that you provide. However, we still do not share your content data nor do we share the search history and chat conversations with any third party. You also have the option of flushing individual conversations or the all activity from your reports at any time via your control panel.

Can Shop Bot Pro be branded to my company scheme and is the 'bot' visible in the chat windows or other processes?

Yes, Shop Bot Pro is fully skinnable to match any site theme or company branding.

The public does not see the "bot" in action at anytime since the AI work is done in the background and the magic happens when the incredibly relevant results are returned on the client side.

The Shop Bot Pro AI tools do not contain any watermarks, copyright information or links to Shop Bot Pro.

Is my data secure and do I need to backup my ingested content?

Yes your data is fully secure.

Your content data and AI generated search vectors are stored on multiple, redundant database servers on Amazon (AWS) and are fully encrypted and backed up continuously. 

All data is saved on multiple servers simultaneously and your AI requests are processed based on the best performance to the specific client. 

You do not need to backup any data that is ingested by the Shop Bot URL crawler but we do provide the option of exporting your current index data so that you can fine-tune the content text, result titles, manually add more information and then reimport it with the additional content.

Is Shop Bot Pro used for SEO?

No, Shop Bot Pro is not an SEO solution. Shop Bot Pro does not generate traffic. 

Shop Bot Pro tools interact with the user (customer) once they reach your site.

Shop Bot Pro may indirectly affect your future site traffic by increasing customer retention and improving the overal user experience so more customers may return as repeat purchasers however.

Is there an API for integration into my ecommerce platform and/or business processes?

Yes, we provide a REST API.

The API allows you to add new search content or update existing content in your Shop Bot Pro date store automatically without having to do it from the online control panel. We can assist you in setting up the pipeline to trigger the API post whenever your content is updated on your website, online store or external URL. There are also several companies that provide automated tasks schedulers for this type of scenario such as Zapier and Decisions.

What if I decide to pause or cancel my plan and what is your refund policy?

You can pause your plan anytime and your billing will simply resume when you reactivate it.  

For monthly, plan holders, if you pause your plan, it will stop the next pay cycle from billing and your Shop Bot data indexing and AI requests will be put on hold. You will need to reactivate your plan prior to your next billing cycle if you want to process requests during that next cycle period. 

If you decide to cancel your plan (instead of pausing it):

Shop Bot Pro will refund the current monthly fee on the following pro-rated schedule for cancelled montly subscription plans. 
  • 1-7 Days of Usage:  100% Monthy Fee Refunded
  • 8-14 Usage Days :    50% Monthly Fee Refunded
  • 15-21 Usage Days:   25% Monthly Fee Refunded
  • Over 21 Days Of Usage;  No Refund For Current Monthly Fee
We do not offer a full refund of the monthly fee past 7 days snce we incur provider charges for the AI generated content and storage and retrieval of the indexed content on our servers whenever your account is processing data.


If you cancel your monthly usage plan, your Shop Bot Pro subscription will be terminated and you will not be billed the following month or any months thereafter.

For annual plans, we offer a prorated refund based on the amount of time elapsed since your sign up date. If you cancel an annual plan, we will issue a prorated refund based on the number of previous months that you used the plan based on the corresponding monthly rate. Example:  if you were on a annual small business plan for 4 months and canceled, you would receive a refund in the amount of $52.00 [ $72 - (4 months x $5.00 mo rate) = $20.00 monthly usage.]

For annual plan holders, if you pause your plan, it will simply extend your annual renewal date forward by the number of days your plan was paused.  

Please note that if you cancel (delete) your account instead of pausing it (either monthly or annaul plans), you can not reactivate it and you will need to sign up again for a new account and you will lose any index fine-tuning, display customization and usage logs. Canceled account data will be flushed from our systems within 72 hours of the cancelation request.