How can I force a specific page to come up on top of the live search list, embedded search results or virtual assistant recommended site resources?

To force a page to come up above the AI-powered search results, simply add the specific term or terms you would like to take precedence over the relevance-based results in the 'product_skus' field for that specific URL resource. 

The most common use-case for targeted keywords in your search index is when you want to ensure that a product page comes up first if the user enters the exact SKU number. 

The 'product_skus' field is available in both the control panel when editing a dataset record as well as when posting content directly via the API. 

In many situations, the product's SKU or SKUs may also be present on many other product pages in cross-selling lists, in the product description for complimentary products, etc. 

Entering the items's SKU number or mulitple SKUs (for variants) in the product_skus field, ensures that if the customers enters that SKU as their search term, the item will be shown on top of the list, regardless of if there are other pages in your site that are ranked higher in relevance by the AI engine to that specific term.

This feature can also be used for words or phrases that you want to associate with a specfic page such as pricing, fees, rates, etc. In the case of pricing, most sites have many different pages that talk about pricing, have prices lists, or reference pricing directly or indirectly in the page content. Adding the specific words for exact match searches in the 'product_skus' field to make sure that your pricing or rates page always comes up first if the user enters one of your targeted key words.

Note: This feature is not designed to replace the natural language AI-powered search accuracy. For questions and phrases, the AI engine results will still typically take precedence.

For example, if the customer entered a sku number exactly such as XYZ-001 and you had xyz-001 in your search index as a target keyword in a specific URLs product_skus field, that page will shown up on top of the results. (search is not case-sensitive so XyZ-001, xyz-001 or XYZ-001 are all treated the same).

However, if the user entered a question such a 'I'm looking for the product xyz-001', the exact search would not match so the AI engine results would take precedence. 

Another key differneve between the "SKU search" and the "AI search" is the ai search uses semantic technologies so it will take into account any mispellings and understand the meaning of a question like 'where is xy001'. Even with the incorrect spellling and incomplete SKU and not mentioning that it is a product, the AI engine would return the pages that best match the semantic intent for that search. However, the actual product page may or not be the #1 result depending on the content of the other pages that may outrank the product in relevance based on their page content.


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